Jeppe Klitgaard

Jeppe Klitgaard

Physics Student

University of Cambridge

πŸ˜‡ Hire me?

As an undergraduate physics student, I am not quite ready for a proper career yet, but if you have something interesting (and preferably paid πŸ˜‰) you think I should be doing with my breaks/holidays, feel free to get in touch!

I am also more than happy to relocate, perhaps getting an opportunity to see a bit more of the planet we call home 🌍.

I’ve been involved in quite a few things over the years - I encourage you to have a πŸ‘€ at my CV if you want to learn more.

View my resumΓ©.
Download my resumΓ© .

  • πŸ’« Physics
  • 🧠 Math
  • πŸ”¬ Science
  • πŸ’¬ Politics
  • πŸ’» Programming
  • πŸ” Encryption
  • πŸ“ Engineering
  • πŸ”¨ DIY
  • πŸ€“ Outreach
  • BA (Hons) Natural Sciences, 2023

    University of Cambridge

  • STX, 2017

    Silkeborg Gymnasium

πŸ“ƒ Experience

Among other things - Have a peek at my CV for more!

Nanonord A/S
R&D Engineering
Jun 2022 – Present Aalborg, Denmark

Research and Development role in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) sensor company combining mechanical engineering, physics, and software engineering skills.

Majority of work focused on development of a testing and shimming platform for a β‰ˆ1T permanent magnet Halbach cylinder using high-precision Hall Effect sensors and NMR frequency data in order to improve passive shimming outcomes and improve the internal magnetic field homogeneity.

The primary product, the Tveskaeg system, uses NMR relaxometry methods to determine isotope content and derived quantities on liquid phase samples. Use-cases include salt content determination in food industries, boron concentration determination in water desalination plants, and many other industrial cases.

Currently on leave to finish academic studies.

Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Summer Research Internship
Jun 2021 – Sep 2021 Cambridge, United Kingdom

10-week summer internship at University of Cambridge.

Work focused on development of a physical and simulated cartpole experiment by the name of CartER.

CartER enables reproducable investigation of model-free and model-based reinforcement learning algorithms using a standardised interface that integrates with the stable-baselines3 project.

Primarily PPO and A2C were investigated using long-running physical experiments.


Intropic Limited
Software Engineering Intern
Jun 2020 – Sep 2020 London, United Kingdom

8-week summer internship in a London-based FinTech startup.

Introduced and authored a variety of Python projects dealing with REST API development, data processing and created a streaming data pipeline in Kafka/Faust. Collaborated on existing client-facing API’s.

Ans & Grauballe Skole
Substitute Teacher
Jan 2018 – Sep 2019 Silkeborg, Denmark

Fixed temporary position in Ans Skole’s Special Education section.

Previously worked as a regular substitute teacher in the public school section. Primarily taught Natural Sciences, English and Mathematics, ages 13 – 16.



Rather Enthusiastic 😁

Python 3

Snake Whisperer 🀫

Linux & DevOps

Terminally Talented πŸš€

πŸ’™ Thank you!

Thank you for having a look at my somewhat winding career path 🐾.

You can find more information in my CV, which is linked to here.

I hope to hear from you regardless of whether you want to hire me, collaborate on a project, have an informal chat or something else entirely πŸ’Œ.