Books are a uniquely portable magic — Stephen King
I have taken up the habit of keeping a bit of fictional reading in my rucksack at all times and when the monotony of studying or triviality of transportation bleakens my outlook, they provide a pleasant existential escape.
Below is an index of my thoughts on some of the books I have read, which I try to collect entirely for my own benefit and amusement while they’re still lucid.
Notes still to be written:
A short collection of Orwellian essays of greatly varying interest to me.
Moving and thought-provoking novel that portrays the sobering realities of war and their meaninglessness.
A book that shouldn’t have been written, though may still interest particularly enthusiastic fans of Douglas Adams.
An equally brilliant successor elaborates on Dirk Gentley’s chaotic but effective detective career.
Hilariously well-written sci-fi that blatantly disregards the laws of physics, and reaffirms the geocentric world-view by placing Cambridge, UK at the very centre of its universe.
Yet another trivial self-help book that manages to cite the scientific literature without producing much in the way of interesting or useful facts.